1、Measurements are extremely easy to make, with no pre-calibration or configuration required.
2、Accurate results are presented within seconds of a measurement having been started.
3、Input carrier signals can be characterized much more accurately than before, to within 0.1 mHz of the carrier.
4、The stability or Allan deviation is measured in parallel with phase noise. The 5125A also includes a frequency counter with 13 digits of precision.





  • Simultaneous Phase-Noise and Allan-Deviation Measurements
  • 1 - 400 MHz Input Frequency Range
  • Measurement Results Displayed within Seconds
  • No External Data Processing Required
  • Industry Leading Accuracy
  • Makes Measurements with Input and Reference at Different Frequencies
  • Allan-Deviation Measurements to over 300 Days
  • Phase-Noise Measurements as Close as 0.1 mHz from the Carrier
  • No Measurement Calibration Required: saves time
  • Displays Internal Noise Estimate
  • Easy to Use Graphical User Interface
  • Excellent Phase-Noise Measurements Down to -170 dBc/Hz (typical) 10 kHz from the carrier (10 MHz input)